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English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Foundational Skills » Kindergarten

Print Concepts

  • RF.K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
    • Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
First Word In a Sentence Circle the First Word of Each Sentence

This packet of 3 worksheets has prompted and unprompted sentences that are 3 to 4 words in length.
First Words In Sentences Circle the First Word of Each Sentence

This packet of 6 worksheets has prompted and unprompted sentences that are 2 to 4 words in length.
First and Last Words of A Sentence When we read, we start on the left.

These sentences start at the green light, and stop at the stop sign.    Set of 3 worksheets with green lights and stop signs on the first page.  Students must color on the second page, and draw the signs on the last page.
First and Last Words of Paragraph First and Last Words In A Story

Draw a green circle around the first word in the story.  Draw a red circle around the last word.

Set of 3 worksheets with prompt fading.
    • Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.
"am" CVC Words Learn "am" Family of CVC Words

Set of 3 worksheets to teach the words jam, dam, ham and ram.
All pages include graphics.  Page one has words to trace, page two has a choice box with the words, page three has no prompts.
    • Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.
Count Words In the Sentence Count the Words In Each Sentence

Set of 3 worksheets to help students recognize and count words in sentences.  Page one has words highlighted by boxes with numbers below each word.  Page two has only numbers as prompts.  Page three has no prompts.
Count Words In Sentences Count the Words in Each Sentence

Set of four worksheets to help students recognize and count words.  Pages one and two have colored words plus numbers for tracing.  Page three has only colored words, and page four has no prompts.
Sentences with "am" CVC Words Write Simple Sentences With Spaces Between the Words

Set of 4 worksheets for writing simple sentences.  Each page has visuals.  Prompts are faded from page 1 to 4.
    • Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Each of the thumbnails below represents a packet of 6 worksheets for learning to write the letters of the alphabet.   The number and size of the letters varies from page to page.

Letter A Letter A Letter B Letter B
Letter C Letter C Letter D Write the Letter D
Write the LetterE Write the Letter E Write the Letter F Write the Letter F
Write the Letter G Write the Letter G Write the Letter H Write the Letter H
Write the Letter I Write the Letter I Write the Letter J Write the Letter J
Write the Letter K Write the Letter K Write the Letter L Write the Letter L
Write the Letter M Write the Letter M Write the Letter N Write the Letter N
Write the Letter O Write the Letter O Write the Letter P Write the Letter P
Write the Letter Q Write the Letter Q Write the Letter R Write the Letter R
Write the Letter S Write the Letter S Write the Letter T Write the Letter T
Write the Letter U Write the Letter U Write the Letter V Write the Letter V
Write the Letter W Write the Letter W Write the Letter X Write the Letter X
Write the Letter Y Write the Letter Y Write the Letter Z Write the Letter Z
Lower Case a Lower Case b Lower Case c Lower Case d
Lower Case e Lower Case f Lower Case g Lower Case h
Lower Case i   Lower Case j  Lower Case k  Lower Case l
Lower Case m  Lower Case n  Lower Case o  Lower Case p 
Lower Case q Lower Case r  Lower Case s  Lower Case t 
Lower Case u  Lower Case v  Lower Case w  Lower Case x 
Lower Case y  Lower Case z     

The thumbnails below represent sets of flashcards for all letters of the alphabet. Click on the style that you like best.

Capital Letters Upper Case Arrows Capitals with Dots Upper and Lower
Lower Case Lower Case Arrows Lower Case Dots


Worksheet Generators

Use the generators below to create custom matching worksheets for recognizing and learning upper and lower case letters.

Upper to Lower Case Match Lower to Lower Case Match Upper Case Match

Each of the thumbnails below represents a set of 6 worksheets for identical matching of uppercase letters.   Prompts are faded on each page.
Match A Match B Match C Match D
Match E Match F Match G Match H
Match I Match J Match K Match L
Match M Match N Match O Match P
Match Q Match R Match S Match T
Match U Match V Match W Match X
Match Y Match Z Upper and Lower Case Matching  
Letters A - F Interactive Matching Game for Letters A - F. Print Worksheets by right clicking on any page.
Letters a - f Interactive Matching Game for Letters a - f.  Print Worksheets by right clicking on any page.

Phonological Awareness

  • RF.K.2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
    • Recognize and produce rhyming words.
CVC Rhyming Words Circle the Words That Rhyme

Set of 6 worksheets for teaching 3-letter words that rhyme.   Some pages contain colored prompts.
CVC Rhyming Words Circle the Word That Rhymes With the First Word In the Row

Set of 6 worksheets for teaching 3-letter words that rhyme.   Some pages contain colored prompts.
"og" Rhyming Words Cross Out the Word That Does Not Rhyme

Set of 7 worksheets to teach rhyming words in the CVC word family.  There are graphics on every page and colored prompts on some of the pages.
Write "og" Words Practice Writing CVC Rhyming Words in the "og" Family

Set of 3 worksheets for writing "og" words.  All worksheets contain graphics, prompts are faded.
    • Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
One Syllable Animals One Syllable Animals

Practice clapping while saying the names of these animals.
Two Syllable Animals Two Syllable Animals

Practice clapping while saying the names of these animals.
    • Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.
Onsets and Rimes / Parts of Words Onset And Rime Cards For Rimes Beginning With "a"
Onset and Rimes Onset And Rime Cards For Rimes Beginning With "e"
Onsets and Rimes with "i" Onset And Rime Cards For Rimes Beginning With "i"
Onsets and Rimes with "o" Onset And Rime Cards For Rimes Beginning With "o"
Onsets and Rimes (u) Onset And Rime Cards For Rimes Beginning With "u"
Onset/Rimes Wheel Spin the Wheel To Create Words That End With "at"

Contains Visual Prompts
Word Wheel with "en" Spin the Wheel To Create Words That End With "en"

Contains Visual Prompts
Onset and Rimes with "og" Spin the Wheel To Create Words That End With "og"

Contains Visual Prompts
"ug" Words Spin the Wheel To Create Words That End With "ug"

Contains Visual Prompts
    • Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words.1 (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
"at" Word Family Set of Flashcards for Bat, Cat, Hat and Mat CVC Words
"at" Word Family Learn to Read the Words Cat, Hat and Bat

Set of 9 worksheets including circle the correct word, plus matching with and without pictures.  Worksheets include both uppercase and lowercase spellings.
Write "Cat" Learn to Write the Word Cat

Set of three worksheets.  Color the cat, write cat in both upper and lower case.
Hat, Cat, Mat Learn to Write Cat, Hat and Mat

Set of 3 worksheets with prompt fading
Bat and Rat Learn to Write Rat and Bat

Set of 3 worksheets with prompt fading
Hen and Pen Cards Flashcards for Pen, Hen and Den

Four Pages of Flashcards for Pen, Hen and Den plus sightwords Out, Of, In, The
Write Hen and Pen Learn to Write Pen, Hen and Den

Set of 3 worksheets:  Page one has words to trace, page three has a word choice box, page three has no prompts.
DOG Learn to Write the Word Dog

Set of three worksheets.  Color the dog, write dog in both upper and lower case.
CVC with Initial Hard C Flashcards for CVC Words That Begin with "c"
"an" Words Flashcards for CVC Words That End with "an"
"en" CVC Words Learn to Write Men, Pen and Ten

Set of 3 worksheets for learning the words men, pen and ten.
"it" CVC Words Learn the Words Pit, Kit and Sit

Set of 4 worksheets for learning the words pit, kit and sit.   Includes worksheets for writing, matching and flashcards.
"it" CVC Words Learn Recognize and Write the Words Hit, Kit, Pit, Sit

Set of 4 worksheets.   The first three pages ask the student to circle the correct word with varying degrees of prompting.   Page 4 has fill in the blank sentences "It is a ______"

"an" CVC Words Learn to Read Can, Pan and Van

Set of 10 Worksheets Includes Initial Sounds, prompts and word matching.
"ap" Family of Words Learn the Words Map, Cap and Gap

Set of 3 worksheets with prompt fading for learning the words map, cap and gap
"up" Word Endings Flashcards for Up, Cup and Pup

3 Sets of flashcards:  Set one is photos only, set two has photos with words, set three has only words.   The flashcards can be used for identical matching and word to picture matching.
"et" Ending Flashcards for Wet, Vet, Jet, Set

CVC words with the "et" ending
CVC "in" Words Flashcards for In, Bin, Pin and Win

Three sets of flashcards - one without words, one with words, one set with words only
Fog, Dog and Log Interactive Matching Interactive Matching Game

Match the words fog, dog and log to pictures
Right click on any page to print a worksheet.
Hat, Cat and Mat Matching Game Interactive Matching Game

Match the words cat, hat and mat to pictures
Right click on any page to print a worksheet.
an words Interactive Matching Game

Match the words can, pan and van to pictures
Right click on any page to print a worksheet.
ig words Interactive Matching Game

Match the words big, dig and pig to pictures
Right click on any page to print a worksheet.
an words Interactive Matching Game

Match the words cat, rat, and sat to pictures
Right click on any page to print a worksheet.

The following worksheets contain CVC words ending with /r/ or /x/ which are not included in the standard.

Spell "box" Spell "Car" Spell "Car" Minimal Pair CVC Words
    • Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Missing Letter "an" Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "an"

Set of 6 worksheets to teach the words can, van and pan.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter. 
Add Letters to "at" Ending Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "at"

Set of 5 worksheets to teach the words can, van and pan.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter. 
Add Letter to "et" Ending Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "et"

Set of 6 worksheets to teach the words jet, vet and pet.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter.  Final page requires the student to remember how to spell the words.
Add Letter to "ug" Ending Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "ug"

Set of 6 worksheets to teach the words mug, rug and bug.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter. 
Add Letters to "un" Ending Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "un"

Set of 6 worksheets to teach the words bun, run and sun.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter. 
Add Letters to "up" Word Ending Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "up"

Set of 6 worksheets to teach the cup, pup and up.  Includes worksheets for tracing the words and filling in the first letter. 
Bob, Slob, Mob Cards Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "ob"

6 Sets of Flashcards which go with the "Bob the Slob Gets a Job" story found in the fluency section below.
Sob, Bob, Mob Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "ob"

Set of writing worksheets which go with the "Bob the Slob Gets a Job" story found in the fluency section below.
Hen, Pen, Den Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "en"

4 Sets of Flashcards which go with the "The Hen In a Pen" story found in the fluency section below.  Includes sight words from the story as well as CVC words.
Hen, Pen, Den Minimal Pairs - CVC Words That End with "en"

Set of 6 writing worksheets which go with the "Hen In A Pen" story found in the fluency section below.
Rat and Bat Writing Learn to Write Rat and Bat

Set of 3 worksheets for learning the words rat and bat.
Rat and Bat Learn to Read rat, bat, sat, on, and the

Set of 8 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words rat, bat and sat plus the sight words on and the.
Cat and Mat Learn to Read cat, mat, on, is, and the

Set of 8 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words cat, mat plus the sight words on, is and the.
Cat, Hat and Mat Learn to Read hat, on, cat and mat

Set of 2 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words hat, cat and mat plus the sight word on.   Students circle the picture in each row which matches the phrase.
Cat, Hat and Mat Learn to Read hat, on, cat and mat

Set of 2 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words hat, cat and mat plus the sight word on.   Students match the pictures to the correct phrase.
Cat, Hat and Mat Learn to Read the, cat, sat, on, the, and mat

Set of 9 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words cat, sat, mat, hat plus the sight words the and on.   Students circle the pictures that match the phrase or sentence.  The student choose from a field of 2 choices.
Cat, Hat and Mat Learn to Read the, mat, hat, cat, sat, on, is,  and on

Set of 9 Worksheets for learning to read the CVC words cat, sat, mat, hat plus the sight words is, the and on.   Students circle the pictures that match the phrase or sentence.   The student choose from a field of 3 choices.
Hat, Cat, Mat Writing Learn to Write Cat, Hat and Mat

Set of 3 worksheets for learning the words cat, hat and mat.
I Am A Cat - Simple Reading Easy Story - Reading

Five Page Story with pictures and the words "I, am, a, cat, bat, rat, or, not"

I am a Cat Story Easy Story - Reading and Writing

Five Page Story with pictures and the words "I, am, a, cat, bat, rat, or, not"
It is a Cat / Reading and Writing Easy Story - Reading and Writing

Five Page Story with pictures and the words "It, is, a, cat, bat, rat, or, not"

Phonics and Word Recognition

  • RF.K.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
    • Demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or most frequent sound for each consonant.
    • Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
Short A Vowel Sound Flashcards for Short A
Long e Vowel Sound Flashcards for Long E
Long O Vowel Sound Flashcards for Long O
Long A Write the CVC Words Bay, Day, and Hay

"ay" Words Long a Words with "ay"
"ee" Words Long e Words with "ee"
"oo" Words Long o Words with "oo"
"oy" Words Long o Words with "oy"
"ow" Words Words with "ow"
    • Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).
Sight Words Flash Cards for Sight Words

the, that, to, a, and, of, is, it, in, you, he, I
Sight Words Flash Cards for Sight Words

at, as, are, on, be, for, this, with, was, they, his, have
    • Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.


  • RF.K.4. Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Hen In A Pen Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Sentences

Simple story about The Hen In a Pen.   Words taught include:  hen, pen, den, is, in, the and a
Hen In A Pen Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Phrases and Photo Backgrounds

Simple story about The Hen In a Pen.   Words taught include:  hen, pen, den, is, in, the and a
Hen In A Pen Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Phrases and a Plain Background

Simple story about The Hen In a Pen.   Words taught include:  hen, pen, den, is, in, the and a
Bob the Slob Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Sentences And "ob" Words

Simple story about Bob the Slob Getting a Job

Words taught include:  Bob, slob, gob, glob, job, mob, sob, drop, this, is, has, of, no
Bug Tugs a Rug Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Sentences

Simple story about The Bug and the Rug.   Words taught include:  bug, tug,  hug, shrug, rug, lug, ugh, is, on , the
Ant Puts On Pants Emergent-Reader Story With Simple Sentences

Simple story about The Ant's Pants.   Words taught include:  ant, pants, can, can't, rant, put, on, the, for
Sentences with "am" CVC Words Worksheets with Simple Sentences and "am" Words

Circle the sentences that match the pictures.
Birds In A Tree Emergent-Reader Story With Rhyming and Counting

Simple story about Birds in a Tree.  Includes counting to three and simple subtraction.
The Common Core State Standards are © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. For more information about the Common Core State Standards, visit their website at
